Hundreds died in a single day in the Mediterranean Sea

6 May 2016 Refugees are dying every day trying to reach Europe by boat. After the tragic shipwrecks of April 2015, EU leaders convened throughout the year to try and address the situation but no comprehensive solutions to reach Europe safely were adopted. As a result...

Austrian Parliament approves law repudiating right to asylum

29 April 2016 On Wednesday 27 April, only a few weeks after the proposed amendments to the Asylum Act were tabled, the Austrian Parliament approved them with a 98 to 67 majority. Under the new law, the government can declare a state of emergency in the case of a mass...

Sweden: Restrictive changes to asylum and immigration law

28 April 2016 An amended Bill presented by the Swedish government, which contains restrictive changes to its immigration and asylum law, is currently going through Parliament. The proposals are aimed at introducing temporary provisions to reduce asylum regulations ‘to...