Greece: Company Accused of Locking Up Migrants Below Deck Implicated in Death of a Passenger, Non-assistance, Non-response, Delayed Assistance and Pushbacks Continue, Alliance with Italy to Strengthen Cooperation on Migration, EU Court’s Ruling on Frontex Raises Questions about Accountability as Greek Court Compensates a Refugee Over Unjust Detention

Greece: Company Accused of Locking Up Migrants Below Deck Implicated in Death of a Passenger, Non-assistance, Non-response, Delayed Assistance and Pushbacks Continue, Alliance with Italy to Strengthen Cooperation on Migration, EU Court’s Ruling on Frontex Raises Questions about Accountability as Greek Court Compensates a Refugee Over Unjust Detention

Charges were brought against crew members of a ferry owned by Attica Group, notorious for locking up migrants in dire conditions below deck, over the death of a passenger pushed into the sea. Ongoing crossings, deaths, pushbacks and delayed assistance at land and sea....
Mediterranean: Increase of Racist Violence and Scapegoating Against Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Southern Europe, Civilian Rescue Operators Continue to Save Lives Amid Increased Death Toll in Central Med

Mediterranean: NGOs Calling for End of the Political Harassment Against Search & Rescue Amid Ongoing Deadly Crossings, More Documentations of Pullback Cases by EU-funded Libyan Coastguard as EU-Tunisia Deal Continues to Receive Criticism

56 organisations released a joint statement calling for an end to the obstruction of civil search and rescue activities in the Mediterranean amid ongoing deaths and crossings. EU-funded so-called Libyan coastguard continues to tow migrants back to Libya where...
ECRE Policy Paper: Reforming EU Asylum Law: the Final Stage

ECRE Policy Paper: Reforming EU Asylum Law: the Final Stage

ECRE has published a policy paper on the reform of EU asylum law which makes recommendation for the final stage of negotiations. The paper analyses the positions of the two co-legislators – the Council of the EU and the European Parliament – on the legislative...