AIDA 2019 Update: Hungary*

AIDA 2019 Update: Hungary*

The updated country report on Hungary documents developments in the area of asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection in 2019. The quasi-state of exception that has been introduced into Hungarian law...
#VoicesOfECRE: Izabella Majcher

#VoicesOfECRE: Izabella Majcher

Interview with Izabella Majcher, ECRE Senior Legal Officer – Return and Detention ECRE is an alliance of 104 NGOs across 41 European countries and its diverse membership ranges from large INGOs with global presence to small organisations of dedicated activists....
Serbia: Report on the Right to Asylum in 2019

Serbia: Report on the Right to Asylum in 2019

ECRE member Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) has released the report ‘Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia 2019’ providing a thorough analysis of developments related to asylum procedures, reception conditions and integration in Serbia. While recognising...
AIDA 2019 Update: Bulgaria*

AIDA 2019 Update: Bulgaria*

The updated Country Report on Bulgaria documents developments in the area of asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection in 2019. The Bulgarian governments draft proposal to amend the Law on Asylum and...
Joint Statement: “Protect our laws and humanity!”

Joint Statement: “Protect our laws and humanity!”

Athens, 6 March 2020 – The undersigned organisations are deeply concerned about recent developments at the Evros border and the Aegean islands where people are stranded at the borders of Europe, instrumentalized for political purposes, and subject to violations of...
ECRE Statement on the Situation at the Greek Turkish Border

ECRE Statement on the Situation at the Greek Turkish Border

Stay Calm, Stay Human ECRE is highly concerned about the political developments emanating from last week’s events in Idlib, Syria and urges calm and measured response, focused on accepting refugees and sharing responsibility across Europe. ECRE condemns acts of...