11 April 2014
Over 100 NGOs have joined forces to call on European leaders to act now to help Syria’s refugees by giving them a safe way into Europe, reuniting families torn apart by the crisis and protecting refugees arriving at Europe’s borders. Now, supporters of the campaign can sign the Europe Act Now petition and give their voice to Syria’s refugees in French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and English. The refugees can share their experiences of fleeing the conflict and attempting to seek protection in Europe with the supporters’ followers and friends in Facebook and Twitter.
“My mother told me: You must leave; I need to know you are safe, more than having you here with me. I didn’t know anything about Europe, what is there, what I will do there but I needed a safe place (…) Sometimes when I speak with my family, I can hear the bombing. I’m here in Paris and I’m shaking”, said 28-year old Ayman.
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 11 April 2014
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