19 June 2015
Within the framework of the ‘Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) 2015’, ECRE member International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) is organising the GFMD Civil Society Days (CSD), which will take place between 12 and 14 October 2015 at the Lütfi Kirdar – Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Centre, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Considering the UN High-level Dialogue (HLD) on ‘International Migration and Development’ in 2013 and the ‘GFMD CSD 2014,’ the 2015 CSD will look at recent progress and impact on major civil society priorities in the areas of migration and development worldwide. The civil society programme will include plenary and break-out sessions on the following topics: reforming labour migration; migrant and diaspora empowerment and action; and protection of migrants – men, women and children – on the move, in transit and at borders.
Civil society delegates who are interested in participating in the Global Forum on Migration and Development Civil Society Days are invited to fill in the online application form by Sunday 21June. For further information, you can contact the GFMD civil society coordinating office.”
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 19 June 2015. You can subscribe to the Weekly Bulletin here.