13 June 2014

Ministers of Interior of the German Länder (federated states) agreed this week to increase its resettlement commitment by 10,000 – bringing the number of refugees from Syria to be resettled in the country to 20,000. Welcoming this renewed pledge, ECRE has urged other European countries to play their part and substantially increase the number of resettlement places, stressing that other EU Member States have together offered to resettle just 5,000 refugees fleeing this crisis.

“The 20,000 people who will be resettled to Germany will not have to risk their lives at sea or be abused by smugglers in order to reach safety in Europe. This is an important gesture of solidarity towards the refugees and Syria’s neighbouring countries hosting almost 3 million persons fleeing the conflict. Other EU countries must now follow Germany’s example and play their part to give more refugees a way to reach Europe in a safe and legal manner” said Michael Diedring, ECRE Secretary General.

ECRE is also strongly supporting the call from the German Parliament for a European conference to encourage Members States to come together and make greater commitments to accept more refugees, in addition to those coming through the asylum system.

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This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 13 June 2014.
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