The EU has adopted this week the budget for 2014 and the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2014-2020. While the budget of the EU Borders Agency Frontex has been increased by 2 million Euros, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) will receive 130,000 extra Euros for 2014, for the creation of two additional posts.
European Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, Janusz Lewandowski, has stated that the 2014 budget “takes into account recent events that demonstrate the need for stronger action at European level: following the Lampedusa tragedy, budgetary lines on migration and border controls are beefed up, and humanitarian aid for Syrian civilians”.
The Security and Citizenship policy area – which includes migration and asylum policies, alongside public health, consumer protection, culture, youth, information and dialogue with citizens – will be allocated 2.2 billion Euros in 2014. A total of 15.68 billion Euros are committed to this area for 2014 to 2020. Discussions on the Asylum and Migration Fund, which aims at supporting actions addressing all aspects of migration, are still on-going.
- 11.06.2013
ECRE, The future of EU funding - 20.11.2013
EurActiv, Parliament gives final approval to EU long-term budget - 12.11.2013
Council of the European Union, 2014 budget agreed - 19.11.2013
European Commission, One trillion euro to invest in Europe’s future – the EU’s budget framework 2014-2020
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 22 November 2013
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