UNHCR and the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) are pleased to invite you to the launch of Follow the Money II report, on the use of AMIF funding at national level. Whilst the first Follow the Money report was looking at the programming of AMIF funds at national level, this second report includes a critical comparative analysis of the use of AMIF funding at national level during 2014-17, drawing on the outcomes of national and European interim evaluations of the Fund and the perspectives of civil society and other actors involved in national AMIF implementation. The report also features a critical overview of the use of AMIF emergency assistance to implement actions in Member States during 2014-17.
The launch will include a presentation of the report’s findings and recommendations, followed by a panel discussion that will look both at the current AMIF and at the future financial instruments on asylum, migration and integration to be adopted in the coming months.
The report was produced in the framework of the strategic partnership between the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), established in 2016 to develop and promote discussions on the future of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).
The event will take place on 31 January 2019 from 09h30h (registration) until 12h30 in the Business Center, L42, Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Brussels.
Please confirm your presence by sending an email to eturnbull@ecre.org by 25 January 2019. See the agenda.