On 18 June 2020 the European Parliament adopted the proposal on the reform of the Migration Statistics Regulation, governing the asylum and migration data supplied by Member States to Eurostat.

The proposal for a regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection dates back to 2018 and aims to provide a legal basis for statistics that are currently collected voluntarily, while providing the necessary flexibility to adapt to future data needs.

Under the amended Regulation, figures supplied to Eurostat will include a specific disaggregation for unaccompanied children. In addition, Eurostat will start collecting data on accelerated procedures, on persons receiving material reception conditions, and on implicit withdrawals of asylum applications.

The reform will also introduce a framework for Eurostat to launch pilot studies with voluntary participation from Member States in order to test the feasibility of data collection on other areas of asylum systems. Among other topics, pilot studies will cover statistics on border procedures, detention and alternatives to detention, legal assistance, inadmissibility decisions, and applications for family reunification permits. The results of these pilot studies will be made publicly available.

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