On 14 October 2014, the European Network on Statelessness (ENS), in conjunction with MEP Jean Lambert, will hold an event as part of ENS’ campaign to protect stateless persons in Europe. The campaign is calling on all European states to accede to the 1954 Statelessness Convention by the end 2014, and for those states without a functioning statelessness determination procedure to make a clear commitment during 2014 to take the necessary steps to introduce such a procedure by the end of 2016.
Statelessness affects over 600,000 people across Europe and can leave people unable to access their rights, destitute or detained. The ENS has published this week a Discussion Paper, Strategic Litigation: An Obligation for Statelessness Determination under the European Convention on Human Rights?, analysing whether the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) obliges States to have a statelessness determination procedure and explores the use of the ECHR as a tool in litigating for both the avoidance of statelessness and the protection of stateless persons. In addition, UNHCR has launched this week the Handbook on Protection of Stateless Person, setting out guidance on interpretation and implementation of the provisions of the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.
To join the call on European States to protect stateless people and to ensure their human rights are protected, sign the campaign petition.
To register for the event, please RSVP to Rachel Sheppard at jean.lambert@europarl.europa.eu by the 30th September.
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 12 September 2014. You can subscribe to the Weekly Bulletin here.